Thursday, October 20, 2005

Indigo Children - Hope for the future?

In the post below titled "The Adversarial Mindset vs. Impartiality and Objectivity," I ended by expressing the hope that "Perhaps we can help find the balance between the realistic skepticism required for self-preservation and the optimistic hope of open-mindedness, objectivity and cooperation required... also for our self-preservation. Let's wish ourselves good fortune and do what we can." This was written in the context of our work at JRE Grassroots, a politically oriented website and community where I'm a site administrator. I used to loathe politics, but learned long ago that, as Pericles said in 430 BC, "Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." Our political process, flawed as it is, is still one of the ways we can work for positive change on a national and global scale, so I 'got involved.' There are many other ways, however, people can work to promote tolerance, understanding, peace, and respect for each other and the planet.

Please read that post for context, if you haven't already.

I've just become aware of a phenomenon. Well, I've been aware of the phenomenon itself for many years, but I just learned that others have also become aware of it, and it now has a name. In the last decade or two, more and more children have been discovered to have some unique and impressive traits. Unusual intelligence, and perceptive and analytical abilities, a maturity and wisdom far beyond their years, remarkable musical or other artistic talents, psychic or metaphysical potential or ability, and other characteristics that seem to indicate that something unusual is going on. Their gifts come at a price, however - society isn't really geared to nurturing prodigies who are more often than not non-conformists, impatient with dysfunctional systems, and otherwise frustrated by the way things are in the world today. They don't fit in very well, and they suffer because of it, feeling isolated and unable to relate to current cultural mindsets. They are often misdiagnosed with attention deficit disorder, or hyperactivity, or autisim, or some other mental aberration, and all too often medicated with drugs that may do more harm than good. This phenomenon has been noticed, researched, measured and studied in depth by professionals in the mental health and educational fields. They are known as the Indigo Children, and many believe they may actually be the vanguard of a new stage in human evolution. You can learn more about Indigo Children here. I've also added a link to that site (Metagifted.Org) to the sidebar. Anyway, learning about this has been very interesting, and has given me not only explanations for some of the anomalies in my own life, and a feeling of understanding and connection, but also the hope that there might be enough of these children with the wisdom and power to help guide us through the major changes we'll need to make to restore some balance to our lives, our cultures, and the planet.

I think we're going to be hearing more about these kids.
