Friday, March 30, 2007

Autumn peace...


This person is just getting old. He has no energy, no drive or sense of purpose or direction. He has little hope mankind will stop shooting himself in the foot any time soon, or learn how to take care of the planet. Things seem awfully bleak and grim to this person.

Oh, this person knows about the golden moments - they are treasures, and there will be more, and the ripples in the pond will keep spreading the goodness and light of those moments down through the ages - but younger people must pick up the tools now, younger hands must carry the load, and younger eyes must see clearly to plot a course for our tribe that leads to prosperity and happiness. Younger people must tend the fires now, it is time for the elders to sit in the warmth and tell stories to those who will listen.

There is a sickness in this white man's world: men have lost their visions, and their interest in hearing the old stories, the old ways, even when they are told with modern words. They cannot feel their connection with all living things, and with nature. They have lost their natural rhythms, and live in an artificial world, a world of illusion where man, instead of the Great Spirit, is the center of the universe. They don't want to hear the stories any more, they are too busy. This is a great wrongness, and brings a great sadness.

This person is tired. This person needs to rest. He is loving you, but quietly, with whispers and prayers. Solitude is one of his friends, and brings him peace. Sit in this circle of peace with this person, and share in his oneness with all things. Know that he is grateful for your company on the road of life. When the circle of life turns and spring arrives in this person's heart he will awaken like the blossoms and bring color to the world again. Until then, he wishes you great good fortune.
